Monday, August 19, 2024

Going Backwards


As I am going through the BIS volumes of Villa-Lobos' Chôros in reverse order, I am liking them more and more.

There are really two musical worlds represented in these works. Tough sounding and populous pleasing.

Chôros 1 & 6 represent the latter. In 6, I could imagine the work bursting out into musical theatre song or underscoring a Golden Era cinematic blockbuster. The guitar solo of 1 is airy and relaxed, but its rhythms are even more enchanting.

Chôros 8 opens with cacophonous astringency, and its textures throughout are all roughed edges with occasional atmospheric breaks. As with Villa-Lobos' other works of this style, he underlines all of his music with a rhythmic groove to ground the listener against anything which could be tough.
Chôros 4 for three horns and trombone starts out pointillistic, but eventually finds a jazzy chorus to swing to.

Chôros 9 is a mix of the two musical approaches where Villa-Lobos will veer towards exotic atmospheres and then wend his way back to spiky rhythms. One thing I notice about his approach to orchestration is (6, 8, and 9 are for orchestra), textures are thick when everyone is playing, where there are so many moving parts, it is hard to focus and hear all of these elements going on at the same time. In the quieter moments, there are chamber aspects, and Villa-Lobos isn't afraid to use the low winds and percussion to their best effect.

These are really great performances, and there is a little of everything from the composer to experience, for better or for worse. Again, at over 80 minutes, there is a lot of music here too!

Listen on YouTube

Chôros 6 (24.49)
Chôros 1 (5.09)
Chôros 8 (20.00)
Chôros 4 (5.31)
Chôros 9 (24.19)

Fabio Zanon, guitar


São Paulo Symphony Orchestra
John Neschling, conductor

Label: BIS
Year: 2008
Total Timing: 81.18



This one is a goody. I might not always be game for Villa-Lobos' modernism when he puts in into action, but it is all very compelling music regardless.

I hope the final, but first, volume is even better!








Find more Villa-Lobos recordings HERE!

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