Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bach and Brazil


Once again, I am beginning with the last volume in a BIS Villa-Lobos series, this time the Bachianas Brasileiras.

There is a nice mix of larger works and chamber pieces here. I sense more of the Bach influence in the more intimately-scoped items and more of the Brazilian element in the orchestral-sized compositions.

When it comes to Bach, it is the sequencing and circle-of-5ths harmonic movement I hear Villa-Lobos using strongly. Having a duet of flute and bassoon in Bachianas Brasileiras 6 is Baroque enough in itself, and indeed, Villa-Lobos sounds his most modern here to offset its older influences. Conversely, the piano solo of Bachianas Brasileiras 4 is beautiful, shorn of listener difficulties. Only the final dance exhibits whirlwind virtuosity for the pianist, a piece I would be very surprised if the power trio Emerson, Lake, & Palmer didn't cover.

Bachianas Brasileiras 1 & 5 are aptly paired, if for nothing else than the orchestra of cellos they call for. Soprano Donna Brown sings beautifully, and having cellist Antônio Meneses on board adds to these performances. Of course, the rhythmic, textural, and melodic elements sway my mind to Brazil more than Bach at times, but these remain effective, if not curious compositions, all the same.

I really can't complain about any of these performances either; superb! This BIS recording is the shortest play time of the whole series, where the others are chock full of music, so there is no feeling of being left with too little here knowing there is plenty more to be had.

Listen on YouTube

Bachianas Brasileiras 1 (19.11)
Bachianas Brasileiras 4 (18.57)
Bachianas Brasileiras 5 (11.05)
Bachianas Brasileiras 6 (9.09)

Donna Brown, soprano
Jean Louis Steuerman, piano
Antônio Meneses, cello


São Paulo Symphony Orchestra
Robert Minczuk, conductor

Label: BIS
Year: 2007
Total Timing: 59.23

A short runtime, but very fine performances all the same.

If the
Chôros hearkened strongly to Brazil and modernism, these have a nice balance between Villa-Lobos and Bach.








Find more Villa-Lobos recordings HERE!

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