Gustav Mahler

Gustav Mahler

Gosh, what is there left to say about Mahler?

His music is well loved in both the concert hall and on record. I myself have made a point to see at least two concerts of Mahler symphonies in the last two years, and still keep multiple sets and recordings of them around as well.

And it is the symphonies by which he is probably best known. Many are quite the event, and in my recent visits, were end-of-the-year sendoffs from symphony orchestra seasons.

But his vocal music also holds a special place in his oeuvre, which often formed a basis of material within his symphonic music.

Many will point to historic recordings to really get to know what Mahler should sound like: those by Bruno Walter, Dmitri Mitropoulos, Jascha Horenstein, or Willem Mengelberg to name a few. I have little to no interest in mono recordings, but will admit there are many excellent performances in that sound mode if anyone is interested in that aspect from Mahler's music.

Mahler is of a late-Romantic style; his symphonies can be lengthy, yet full of the composer's detailed craftsmanship. His thematic ideas are strong for the listener, so it is easy to follow how he develops music over long runtimes. In a face-off between Mahler, Bruckner, and Wagner, I will choose Mahler as the most approachable and immediately satisfying.

Of course, Mahler was a fine conductor as well, and perhaps that is an aspect which makes me lean towards his music as well. It may be stereotypical, but the composer had a Teutonic 'forest murmur' within his musical heart, and if you follow his music chronologically, it is easy to hear this from Mahler.

More will be coming to the Mahler page, once we at The Oozy Channel Keep get things up and running. For now, we have a few recordings and a list of works linked to a continually growing list of reviews and thoughts.

Recordings and reviews currently on hand (Click below to visit):

1960-70: Lieder with Orchestra
1968-70: Lieder with Orchestra
1995: Piano Quartet
1997: Das Klagende Lied
1999: Des Knaben Wunderhorn
1970: Das Lied von der Erde
2013: Das Lied von der Erde


Symphony 1
Symphony 2
Symphony 3
Symphony 4
Symphony 5
Symphony 6
Symphony 7
Symphony 8
Das Lied von der Erde
Symphony 9
Symphony 10