Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A Drowsy Walk Through the Delius Garden

Those who follow my Delius series will know I have an on-and-off relationship with his music.

It is best to take each individual work and spend time with them, rather than listening as a program. Otherwise, I find an entire recording of Delius can have a somnambulistic effect on me.

The titular Walk to the Paradise Garden is a gorgeous work. It is one of those that I could play on repeat endlessly. The two Dance Rhapsodies offer some variety, and really give one a perspective of Delius' skill as an orchestrator.

In a Summer Garden and North Country Sketches are on the snoozy side, only because I listened to these together. Regardless, a winning account by any measure.

A review from 2024

As a younger man, I had little time for Frederick Delius’ music. His sound world requires patience that I have only accrued as I get older. Listening is akin to laying in the grass for an hour watching the clouds float by, moments shorn of busy schedules, racing minds, and world-weary worries.

There are many fine recordings of Delius’ orchestral music, but this one easily sits with the best. The titular Walk to the Paradise Garden is paced beautifully by Hickox, and I love Delius’ catchy melodic ideas alongside bursts of ecstasy. It rightfully takes its place as the centerpiece of the program.

Of the two Dance Rhapsodies, the first is rarely recorded, so it is exciting to have it here in spectacular Chandos sound paired with the more familiar second rhapsody. In a Summer Garden and North Country Sketches are dreamy works, which ooze the musical landscapes Delius loves to paint through music.

If I had a druther, this whole recording has a rather soporific, Impressionist effect taken in as a whole, but I think this encapsulates Delius’ musical view of the world. Regardless, this is exceedingly beautiful music, caught in stunning sound and performances from Bournemouth. Recommended.



Listen on YouTube



North Country Sketches (30.14)
In a Summer Garden (15.33)
Dance Rhapsody 1 (11.38)
Walk to the Paradise Garden (10.09)
Dance Rhapsody 2 (8.37)

Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Richard Hickox

: Chandos
Year: 1995; 2016
Total Timing: 76.40




Excellent works from Delius.

Yet as a program, there is a drowsy effect.

The solution? Listen as individual works.

Find more Delius recordings HERE!


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